The Goal.

Empower Heineken marketing team with fan intelligence

Heineken came to Sport Insights Media as they needed to know how their customers perceived their brand.

Without relying on market research or surveys, they wanted to access the thoughts, feelings and opinions of their actual audience to inform how they could grow brand awareness.

A mission of this scale required reliable customer insight to fuel Heineken’s email marketing campaigns.

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The Tactics.

Prompt Technology ™.

Heineken needed to tap into what thousands of their customers thought about their brand, but they knew market research or sending out surveys was not the right answer. They needed a gamified, engaging method of extracting audience insight.

To achieve this, we created a personalised game that was hosted on the We Love Sport site. The game not only engaged visiting customers but used our Prompt Technology ™ to retrieve data on how Heineken’s customers perceived their brand. Unlike with market research, we knew we were able to access meaningful findings from Heineken’s actual customer base.

Our organically collected attitudinal data from customers was fed into Heineken’s CRM which set the scene for crafting evidence-based email marketing campaigns to grow brand awareness. With this insight, we helped Heineken leverage what customers loved about the brand and tactically avoid what they disliked.

The Result.

Optimised customer experiences.

Guided by the evidence from our gamified approach, Heineken gained crucial insights into their online audiences to engage them all-year-round.

Heineken was able to truly understand its audience and start a series of personalised and engaging emails.

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Ready to unlock the power of knowing your audience? We’ll set the stage, you receive the insight you’re interested in.

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